Last Updated on June 29, 2022 by Rebecca Huff
Wellness shots are all about supplementing your healthy lifestyle with extra vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the form of a small concentrated shot. Around 2-3 ounces is typical for holistic health shots.
Wellness Shots combine functionality with flavor in a nutrient-packed two-ounce shot.
Reasons you may want to use Wellness Shots to Kickoff your Wellness Journey
- Excellent addition to your self-care routine.
- Boosts overall health.
- Using wellness shots can give you that energy boost you're looking for.
- Enhances your natural beauty by supplying nutrients for skin health.
- Can help you get better sleep, which is one of the pillars of health.
What do Wellness Shots taste like?
One thing I love about Wellness Shots is that they aren't hard to take! The flavor will vary depending on what the juice base is, but out of the dozens I've tried, I haven't found one that I didn't like. Truthfully, it's like a little good for you dessert in a bottle.
The Wellness Shots from Raw Generation have 3-5 grams of natural sugars each. The amount of fructose in the wellness shots is so low that it should not have an impact on blood sugar levels.
What types of Wellness Shots are there?
You can find a wide variety of wellness shot ideas; the possibilities are only limited by your imagination. For this post, I'll be focusing on the 7 Wellness Shots available from Raw Generation as I was sent a case to test out with my family.
Raw Generation is offering a 15% discount using coupon code TOM15
Sleep Wellness Shot
Sleep is one of the pillars of health and is necessary for your body systems to function properly. During sleep, our body does the important work of restoration. It's important for weight loss, boosting the immune system, and having a positive outlook on life. Getting adequate sleep can also contribute to the prevention of many diseases such as Alzheimer's.
We have the cards stacked against us when it comes to getting a good night's sleep. Anxiety from daily life (especially this year!), too much screen time, lack of exercise, not enough time in nature, too much coffee and alcohol, and more.
It takes a conscious effort to practice good sleep hygiene. One thing you can do to boost the quality and quantity of sleep is to use melatonin, which is a natural hormone that plays an important role in regulating your wake-sleep cycle. The hormone gives your body the green light for sleep. Melatonin levels naturally rise at night, which then tells your body to relax. Blue light can suppress your melatonin levels.
The Raw Generation Sleep Shot has
- 2 milligrams of melatonin
- Kava – a root that has a mild sedative effect that helps to calm anxiety, promotes relaxation and calmness, alleviates stress, and induces feelings of euphoria.

For those who struggle to fall asleep and feel they need something to take the edge off, the sleep shot will tick every box!
My mom, my daughter, and I all drank a sleep shot. My daughter and I found that it helped us to have a calm, relaxed feeling at bedtime and we slept soundly all night, then woke full of energy. As soon as I open my eyes, my feet hit the floor and I was feeling very refreshed. No grogginess at all. My mom didn't notice a big difference.
That's because unlike sleep meds, this shot is simply pure cold-pressed apple juice with antioxidant-rich black currant (yum!) with the melatonin and kava. These all-natural, healthy ingredients are packed full of health benefits and they'll help you get the sleep your body is craving.
Immunity Wellness Shot
Well, who isn't looking to boost their immunity this year? Fall and winter are typically considered prime flu season. This is definitely a time when we should be doing everything we can to give our immune system the building blocks it needs.
You may not realize it but having a strong immune system also makes it easier to lose weight and recover from workouts. In addition, you'll have better brain function and fabulous, glowing, youthful skin. Many people like to take the immunity wellness shots for colds or sore throats.

Get an immune boost with the following ingredients:
- ginger – anti-inflammatory, boost immunity, anti-bacterial
- apple
- lemon juice
- turmeric – contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant, which keeps inflammation under control in your body so you won't get sick as easily. Turmeric is considered an “immunomodulator”, which is just another way of saying that it helps boost your body’s immune response.
- a sprinkle of black pepper – because it helps increase curcumin absorption in the body by an incredible 2,000 percent!
Not only will this wellness shot boost fortify your immune system, but it tastes good too! The Turmeric Ginger Immunity shot is sweet and tasty with a little bite from the turmeric and ginger.
Boost your metabolism and combat inflammation to support your weight loss goals with the immunity shot.
Building your immunity is part of your health and wellness journey along with other healthy habits. For those of us who have health issues, such as various chronic illnesses, this inflammation taming shot is most appreciated. Turmeric has been part of my personal health program for many years and I can tell a significant difference when I use it and when I stop!

Vitamin C Wellness Shot
Your immune system will thank you when you offer it 330% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C in one tiny shot. Immune strength is of utmost importance during flu season, well, and all year round, but especially during these trying times. Stress and worry can lower your immune system, but Vitamin C is there to rev it back up.
The Vitamin C Shot contains:
- Camu Camu – the most Vitamin C rich berry in the world
- Cold-pressed orange, pineapple, yellow bell pepper, and lemon juice – all rich in Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is a mighty powerful antioxidant that helps to eradicate damaging free radicals that try to destroy the body's cells. Vitamin C boosts your body's ability to produce more white blood cells which help fight infections and keep your immune system in peak performance.
Not only is Vitamin C excellent for proper immune function, it also boosts collagen production, fights oxidative damage that manifests as both internal and external signs of early aging.
Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron, very important to menstruating women as well as pregnant women who are at risk of anemia. Plus, Vitamin C helps maintain healthy teeth, bones, and cartilage. In addition nit aids repair of the body's tissues.
Orange juice also contains potassium which helps your heartbeat to stay regular, move nutrients into cells and waste out of cells. It is also good for balancing out your sodium levels.
This wellness shot contains Orange juice, pineapple juice, yellow bell pepper juice, lemon juice, camu camu powder, triple-filtered water, cayenne pepper.

Here's 7 of My Personal Flu Fighting Tips
- Increase your intake of veggies and avoid processed foods.
- Quit sugar; opt for fresh, in-season fruits when you get a craving for sweets.
- Get adequate, quality sleep on a consistent basis.
- Drink plenty of clean, pure, filtered water.
- Supplement with Elderberry, Vitamin C, Probiotics, Echinacea, and maintain your vitamin D levels.
- Boost your immune system by getting regular chiropractic adjustments.
- Make immunity and Vitamin C wellness shots part of your daily routine!
Digestion Wellness Shot
Here's another area where I've needed help over the years. I've shared my personal journey with digestion issues here before, so just a quick recap will suffice. Around fourteen years ago my doctor tested my stomach acid levels using a tiny transmitter that I swallowed inside of a gelatin capsule. It was then discovered that my stomach produces less stomach acid than necessary for good digestion.
Stomach secretions consist of enzymes, hydrochloric acid, and a mucus coating to protect the lining of your stomach. Without these secretions, your body will struggle to break down, digest, and absorb nutrients. Another role digestive enzymes play is to eliminate bacteria and viruses in the stomach. Without these, you can be more susceptible to infection.
Upon my doctor's recommendation, I began taking specific digestive enzymes and also Betaine/Pepsin HCL to improve my digestion. And it worked. Since then I have experimented with using different techniques to aid my body in manufacturing its own supply of these necessary aids.
Gut health
Gut health is something you'll hear a lot about in the world of integrative health and from many health coaches. That's because gut health can affect all of the other systems in your body. Your gut microbiome is a host to many living organisms, some good and some bad. The key is to keep the balance so that your entire body functions better.
Often, when the good outweighs the bad, the result is digestive issues. Weight gain and the inability to lose weight are chief among them. Fatigue, skin problems, moodiness, and a weakened immune system are some other results of off-balance gut flora.
Research has shown that mental health is linked to gut health, which is why the introduction of friendly bacteria can help improve mood and give you a more positive outlook on life. Keeping your digestive system in top shape can also give you increased energy and better quality sleep.
Probiotics help to keep the microbiome balance. In addition, these friendly gut bacteria also relieve bloating, aid in digestion, and soothe irritable bowels.
The Raw Generation Digestion shot has five strains of gut-friendly probiotics- Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus Plantarum, Lactobacillus Salivarius, Bifidobacterium breve, and Bifidobacterium Lactis, plus chicory root inulin, a prebiotic that helps stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut.
ONE shot contains 20 billion colony-forming units (the number of viable cells) compared to a regular yogurt cup with only 1-6 billion CFUs per serving.
You may have read that pineapple contains bromelain and papaya contains papain, both which are excellent at soothing digestive issues, which is why it is part of the digestion shot. Cold-pressed ginger is added to boost digestion and adds a deliciously refreshing flavor to this blend. Self-help for your digestion in a tiny tasty bottle!
Energy Wellness Shot
So here's the one the mamas have been waiting for. With many of you taking on new roles as teachers (what a ride 2020 has been, huh?) who doesn't need a little extra energy to power you through the day?! Yeah, I know coffee has been there for you, but keep in mind you don't want to overdo it with the coffee drinks.
Skip the energy drink, yes, I'm talking to you, put it down, and grab an energy shot with natural caffeine (about as much as a cup of green tea) and ginseng. Energy drinks and coffee both can lead to too much acid in the body which over time can sabotage your body’s internal pH.
An overly acidic internal pH is a trigger for chronic fatigue which can create a need for more and more caffeine. The Energy shots are made with cold-pressed juices that help promote an alkaline environment in the body. An alkaline body is conducive to more energy, naturally.

Ginseng is another key ingredient and is still used as an herbal remedy and has been for centuries. This root is an adaptogen that helps the body deal with stress better. Ginseng boasts many health benefits including improving brain function and mental performance. Ginseng also has immune-boosting properties as well as aphrodisiac properties! Hello!
This shot helps to eliminate fatigue and boosts blood circulation due to the addition of ginger juice. Perfect for moms balancing work, childcare, helping with schoolwork, and all the other hats we wear. Make sure your brain is firing on all cylinders with the delicious vitamin C shots.
Energy shots contain: Apple juice, lime juice, pure maple syrup, triple-filtered water, ginger juice, ginseng extract, natural caffeine (45 mg) and contains no additives or preservatives.
Revive wellness shots
Detox and charcoal seem to go hand in hand. That's because activated charcoal sends a signal to toxins telling them to hit the road! Activated coconut charcoal is what I keep in my medicine cabinet for those times when I'm traveling and want to bring along some insurance against “iffy” foods or stomach bugs.
Toxic unhealthy substances are drawn to activated coconut charcoal like a magnet which binds them and eliminates them from your body. Reach for the revive shot if you feel a little yucky after overindulging.
You may have seen charcoal listed as an ingredient in hangover formulas. That's because it is excellent in helping you recover from a night of partying – hey, it happens.
The revive shot goes one step further and includes tasty cold-pressed apple, lemon, and ginger juices as well. The ginger helps to alleviate nausea and bloating, plus gives you a little pop of energy.
Here's a little tip I discovered about this wellness shot: it eliminated that bloated feeling during PMS. You know, when you put on your regular jeans and find that you can barely button them. That's what I was experiencing when I tested the Revive Wellness shots. Very helpful!
Beauty wellness shot:
Okay, so maybe you're asking, “what does beauty have to do with my wellness journey?” Beauty is achieved from the inside out. If you're looking glow up you'll want to pay close attention to nutrition.
Collagen is a structural protein that makes up the connective tissues of the body, including your skin, hair, and nails. If you want to have strong hair and nails that look and feel healthy, you ned to maintain collagen in your body.
Processed foods and refined sugar can accelerate collagen loss. So does smoking and too much alcohol. Poor eating habits can also contribute to a lack of collagen in the body. As you lose collagen, your skin may start to sag, and wrinkles may seem more prominent. So if you want to keep that youthful glow, supplement with collagen.
The Beauty shot provides 2500 mg of marine collagen so you can easily take action to boost skin elasticity, fight wrinkles, and enhance your skin’s natural glow. Some women, myself included, notice that our hair grows faster when supplementing with collagen.
In addition to collagen, the beauty wellness shot also includes antioxidant rich blueberry and acai. These two berries are superfoods and are an excellent source of polyphenols. This antioxidant can repair and protect against fine lines and wrinkles, age spots, and dull skin. Vitamin C makes another appearance in the beauty shot to help stimulate collagen production.
Wellness shots can also be a delicious part of your skincare routine. The Acai/Blueberry combo is one that I particularly enjoyed.
Reaching your wellness goals
Dietitians often recommend doing a cleanse which may include ginger shots, turmeric shots, wheatgrass shots, apple cider vinegar (ACV), aloe or coconut water among others. These can be taken alone on an empty stomach before meals or along with a juice cleanse.
Turmeric is well known for it's anti-inflammatory properties and is an ingredient you'll find in most wellness shots. It is excellent at helping you kickstart your health journey.
No juicer required
Even if you don't own a juicer or live near a juice shop, you can still enjoy the benefits of doing a juice cleanse or adding wellness shots to your daily routine.
Raw Generation ships their products flash-frozen, so there is no rush to drink them. You can order them in bulk to get you through the week, month, or longer. They are well packaged to keep them frozen. As soon as they arrive, I transferred the bottles in the freezer. When I want to consume them, I simply thaw them in the refrigerator.
Store the bottles in the freezer for up to 6 months. Once completely thawed in the refrigerator (may take 24 – 48 hours depending on how cold your refrigerator is), they should be consumed within 24 hours. Refrigerate them at all times and consume very cold.
Raw Generation is offering 15% off using coupon code TOM15 to help you kickstart your wellness journey!
If you're looking for a support system, I'd love for you to kickstart your personal wellness journey with me. Just reach out to me via email with the subject line “wellness journey” to let me know where you're at and what challenges you face. I promise to respond!
Women looking for support and encouragement through their health journey can join the Healthologist Community to meet other like-minded women. There you'll find a drama-free zone where you can ask for prayer, talk about your health issues, join in on setting goals, and participating in challenges. While I don't encourage you to spend a lot of time on social media, this group has had a significant positive impact on the lives of many women.
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