Last Updated on June 29, 2022 by Rebecca Huff

Apparently sleeping naked is highly recommended for the absolute best possible sleep hygiene.
One in three adults sleeps in the nude according to a U.S. study. Experts also say sleeping naked improves sleep quality and overall health. As a mom, I have to wonder if other moms are like me – afraid to sleep naked lest an emergency leaves me stark naked standing amongst shocked family members or worse… I asked several friends and the results were split.
So, how is sleeping naked part of good sleep hygiene? The argument for sleeping sans pajamas is a good one.
Maybe you have never thought about it, but all those hidden places in your body (for example, the ones where you might apply deodorizers) stay covered most of the time. Allowing them to breathe lowers the risk of skin problems, bacterial infections, fungal infections and more!
Sleeping in the buff will also improve your circulation because you won't have tight elastic clothing around your body. Improved circulation means your arms and legs won't be falling asleep while you are trying to sleep. Sleeping in pajamas can be annoying at times, especially when the pant legs ride up and get bunched up around your knees or the gown gets all twisted when you roll over.
On the flipside, sleeping without pajamas could be troublesome too if you have to get up in the middle of the night and prefer that your family not see you in your birthday suit! Sleeping nakey isn't exactly doable if you are still co-sleeping either, am I right moms?
Benefits of Sleeping Naked
Sleeping without clothing could be beneficial in the summer when temperatures are high, I admit. Because it is important to keep cool while sleeping, we might need to strip away those layers and allow our body to be at the right temperature.
Sleeping in layers of pajamas and bedding means your body will retain heat and hinders normal hormone production. So, even if you prefer not to sleep naked, at least lower the temperature in your bedroom.
Keeping your sleep environment between 60-68 degrees at night will help your body regulate important hormones like melatonin, cortisol, and human growth hormone. Particularly useful to slow down the effects of aging.
Our body's natural production of cortisol drops during the night, and cooler bedroom temperatures can help. In the morning, within 20-30 minutes of waking-cortisol goes up. Cortisol is considered the stress hormone, and too much of it at the wrong time can prevent a good night's sleep. When cortisol levels get too high it can lead to adrenal fatigue which could be very serious.
Another benefit from sleeping naked is a faster metabolism! Experts have suggested that sleeping naked helps burn calories. Staying cool at night can lead to an increase in your metabolism. One study showed that people who keep cool while sleeping might be burning belly fat more efficiently.
The hormone oxytocin has a protective effect on the heart, boosts the immune system, reduces anxiety and can even lower blood pressure. Oxytocin is released when a baby is placed skin to skin with the mother. Some experts say that this hormone is released by skin to skin contact with your partner as well. I have no doubt that most husbands would prefer their wife sleep naked for this reason alone.
If nothing else, skipping the pajamas could save you some money, a load of laundry, and some time!
On the other hand, I feel like as a mom I always need to be prepared! So, what if I have to jump up in the middle of the night because one of my kids is sick or scared? What if my house caught on fire and I had to waste a few seconds covering myself? Or worse, what if I couldn't cover myself?

Maybe there's a compromise for those of us not ready ditch our pj's? Maybe a loose fitting soft t-shirt and some boxers instead? If you believe you won't get a good night's sleep while missing your pajamas consider choosing natural fibers such as cotton or even wool which absorb moisture better and keep your temperature regulated. Or do what I do, turn the AC way down!
For now, I think I'll stick with my pajamas, but I'll follow ALL the other tips for good sleep hygiene and sleep is one thing that I definitely feel good about! Download my Sleep Hygiene Guide and work on getting better sleep tonight!
How's your sleep? Are you Sleepless or Sleeping Beauty?
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