Last Updated on June 29, 2022 by Rebecca Huff
I am not a medical expert. The information shared in this article about the protocol for treating Lyme Disease and Mold Illness that I used is based on my own experience and is not a substitute for medical care provided by a qualified and licensed health professional. The information I share is for general information only and not to be used as medical advice. Always discuss medical concerns with your healthcare provider.
Before beginning a protocol to detox mold, it's best to remove the source of exposure. One of the first things we did during and after remediation was to clean up the air in our home. To do this, we used a high-quality UV Air Purification System made by Enviroklenz and replaced our HVAC Filters with high-quality filters that remove mold spores, VOCs, and particulate. I felt better just knowing my air was clean. (this is an affiliate link and you can save 15% with coupon code TOM15)
The first protocol for treating Lyme Disease and Mold Illness my doctor suggested consisted of:
- Biopure Cocktail- 5 drops twice daily work up to 5 drops three times daily
- Hyaluronic acid- Use As Directed on bottle
- Zeobind pure- ½ teaspoon three times a day
- Liposomal Vitamin C – Use As Directed on bottle
- Liposomal Glutathione – Use As Directed on bottle
However, some of those supplements required refrigeration. One had to be taken on an empty stomach and others with food. I found it quite complicated to keep up with while I was also still on my daily supplements.
When you have brain fog, a complicated protocol is the last thing you need, unless you can stop your everyday activities and focus on nothing but your health. I wish I could do that sometimes, but it's just not reality for most of us.
Quickly I realized I needed to do something different, my doctor agreed. We switched over to a protocol that consisted of three sprays which I could throw in my bag to take with me if I were going to be away from the house.
The new protocol for treating Lyme Disease and Mold Toxicity:
The Advanced Cellular products came in one kit and contained:
- Advanced Cellular Silver 200 – Extra strength to boost the immune system
- Advanced Cellular Zeolite nano – Extra strength to detoxify and eliminate
- Advanced Cellular Glutathione – Extra strength to support and rejuvenate
During a 28-Day Self-Care Challenge, I demonstrated the system that I use to remember to take my supplements. Having systems in place is crucial for anyone with chronic illness.
Between the chronic fatigue, brain fog, and daily pain it can be difficult to get through a day. Symptoms tend to stack up and overlap. In addition, because this is an invisible illness, others may not understand which can contribute to feeling bad in general.
In those with chronic Lyme disease, it is difficult to separate the symptoms associated with mold and mycotoxin exposure from those associated with Lyme disease or even with heavy metal toxicity. The overlap is significant, and as a result, all of these items must be explored as symptoms believed to be associated with Lyme disease may not be entirely the result of Lyme itself. (1)
What came first, Lyme or Mold?
Often, health problems tend to go in circles or diagnosis appears to be a chain of events. Anytime I mention that I tested positive for Lyme Disease the first question people ask is “how did you get it?” I don't know; nor do I know which came first Lyme or Mold. That's not as important to me as figuring out how to get over it!
Apparently, Lyme Disease and Mold illness go hand in hand. Connie Strasheim explains,
Mold toxicity has become so synonymous with Lyme disease that nearly half of the physicians featured in my just-released doctor interview book, New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment: 10 Top Doctors Reveal Healing Strategies that Work, share that many of their patients are battling mold, in addition to Lyme infections. Mold treatment is therefore a top priority for many doctors who treat Lyme patients, and these doctors’ experience has been that most people with Lyme can’t get over the infections unless they first also address the mold. (2)
Answering how I ended up with mold illness or Lyme Disease is very complicated. In fact, because I have taken such good care of myself for so many years it was hard to accept that I could be sick in the first place. Also, no one else in our family seemed to be affected by the mold.
People with Lyme are more likely to struggle with toxic mold, because their body cannot remove toxins normally. A person with Lyme disease has a damaged immune system, which makes it harder to overcome mold illness. Additionally, the mold illness can stop Lyme treatments from working. (3)
Eventually, if left untreated, this combination can contribute to a decline in brain health leading to Alzheimer's and dementia. Avoiding issues down the road as well as feeling better right now has caused me to set aside many things that I deem important in exchange for recovery time.
During the time I've been treating my Lyme and Mold, I have followed a Ketogenic Diet. This was just a coincidence but it helps that using fat for fuel helps to repair mitochondria. One thing I drank frequently was my Turmeric Refresher which I believe helped with keeping inflammation down.
In addition to the protocol that my doctor prescribed above, I also layered on some of the following:
Additional Detox support:
First things first, locate the source of mold exposure and eliminate it. Various types of mold are a risk to human health, so take precautions if you find mold in your home.
- Far Infrared Sauna Therapy is another great supportive detoxification method that I found effective in helping my body detox. This was not something my doctor added to my protocol; simply something I knew would be beneficial. I located a sauna 10 minutes from my house, thankfully. I would like to have my own Infrared sauna because using this type of therapy can speed up the detox process. Nothing like sweating out some toxins!
- Clay and charcoal are two other supplements that I used to bind mycotoxins internally. When using binders, it is imperative to keep exit pathways clear (avoid constipation). Supplemental magnesium, Vitamin C powder (buffered), or tea can help prevent this problem. Detox and Constipation are counterproductive, so avoid creating more problems. Stay hydrated to keep everything moving.
- Glutathione therapy – Depleted Glutathione often occurs in people with mold illness. My doctor offers glutathione intravenous drips, and I also was taking the liposomal glutathione. In the past, I had used transdermal glutathione as well, but I feel like the IV is the most effective method for me. Anything I swallow I wonder how much gets absorbed since my stomach acid is low.
Other supplements I added to support detoxification:
- Milk thistle
- n-acetylcysteine
- Alpha lipoic acid
- Glycine
- Glutamine
- Taurine
- B vitamins
Recommended additions to my protocol for treating Lyme Disease and Mold Illness
- Astaxanthin: neutralizes toxins and relieves joint pain
- Probiotics: optimizes gut flora and supports immunity
- Grapefruit seed extract: may help treat Borrelia in cyst form
- Krill oil: helps in reducing inflammation and relieving Lyme symptoms
- Cilantro: a natural chelator for heavy metals
- Resveratrol: helps with detoxification and it may treat the common co-infection, Bartonella
- Quercetin: reduces histamine, which is usually high in Lyme patients
- Whey protein concentrate: may help with nutrition, a common problem in Lyme patients who are unable to eat properly
- Andrographis and Artemisinin: herbs that treat the common co-infection, Babesia
- Curcumin: helps reduce brain swelling and eliminates neurological toxins (4)
Sharing my protocol for treating Lyme Disease and Mold Illness
I would have liked to share my protocol and recovery much sooner; unfortunately, the journey to wellness is one I am still traveling. Others have told me that they recovered from Lyme Disease in a couple of months with antibiotics.
People have asked me why I don't go a more conventional route. My only answer is that I have to do what's best for me. If you read my personal update in the iron post, I explain that I did end up taking Doxycycline for two months, which is often used to treat Lyme Disease.
There are different stages of Lyme Disease, the earlier it is discovered the easier it is to treat. A large percentage of people who are infected with Lyme Disease never experience the bullseye rash that makes it so identifiable. Symptoms can also mimic the flu making it easy to overlook. (5)
However, I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I continue to move towards complete wellness.
It is important to note that mold toxins can lead to a weakened immune system which can put you at an increased risk of other health problems.
Just recently I began reading the book mentioned above by Connie Strasheim and have found it to be very informative. You can get a copy on Amazon here.
Update March 2020: Dr. Sean Beckmann answers questions about Lyme Disease and other tick-borne illnesses on A Healthy Bite.
Update June 2021 Black Mold Toxicity and New Protocol
My practitioner (a functional medicine doctor) discovered a new blood test that was very sensitive and wanted my results because I'd been having some symptoms again. As she suspected, I tested positive for recent black mold exposure. This was in January 2021, clearly I have mold allergy in addition to several other health conditions. I began taking the following supplements:
Protocol for Mold Toxicity
- FloraMyces – the non-pathogenic yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii, which possesses probiotic activity that supports gastrointestinal health and immune function.
- GI Detox – main ingredient is zeolite clay, activated charcoal, aloe vera, apple pectin. This was taken separately from the FloraMyces to act as a “clean up” agent after the other supplement did its job. GI Detox Helps Cleanse and Supports Microbiome Balance.
In addition, I used my saunaspace sauna to sweat and remove mold toxicity, a rebounder, and the gua sha technique to keep lymph moving. My results are shared in this post about the long-term effects of mold exposure.
Eliminate mold growth and inspect yearly for water damage, dampness, and any areas that look moldy. Keep an eye on indoor humidity and run a dehumidifier when it is over 45 percent to prevent indoor mold. Clean up dust, and use an air purifier to improve the quality of indoor air.
Are you recovering from Lyme Disease or Mold Illness or have you experienced the negative health effects of a mold problem in your home? Have you gone through mold remediation? I'd love to hear about your journey and what worked for you. Please join us in the Healthologist Community or email me at [email protected]

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Sources were all accessed on February 10, 2018:
Mold, Mycotoxins, Lyme (July 2014) Townsend Letter for … -
Four Lyme Experts Share About Mold, A Common Lyme Disease … - (source removed)
What's the Connection between Toxic Mold and Lyme Disease … - (source removed)
Lyme Disease Treatment Strategies – -
Stages – Global Lyme Alliance
I was diagnosed with Lyme disease in 2004. I was given antibiotics, which seemed to help. However, I still suffer from some of the symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, joint pain, and even neurological problems in controlling hand and leg movements. The inability to walk right etc, are temporary and generally happen when I am really tired and have been working hard. I lost touch with reality. Suspecting it was the medication I Went off the antibiotics (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on Lyme disease natural herbal formula I ordered from GREEN HOUSE HERBAL CLINIC, I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in USA and they all gave a positive response, my symptoms totally declined over a 6 weeks use of the Green House Lyme disease natural herbal formula. I’m 70 now and doing very well, the disease is totally reversed! (Visit their website www . Greenhouseherbalclinic . com) I am thankful to nature, herbs are truly gift from God. I can now go about my daily activities and the pain is greatly diminished. Don’t give up hope, fellow sufferers. Share with friends!!