Last Updated on June 29, 2022 by Rebecca Huff
Another of many sleepless nights spent sharing your sleep oasis with a bed hog under three feet tall? Most parents have missed more than one night of sleep tangled in a web of kid arms and legs!
It's not unusual for a little one to need comfort in the middle of the night, however, if it keeps mom, dad, and siblings from getting consistent sleep it might be time to set some ground rules!
With six children, I feel like I've had my share of sleepless nights.
Although I feel like I've been blessed with mostly good sleepers; we have had various issues, some based on life events, others from enviornmental issues. In retrospect, most of these problems were short lived, though at the time it didn't seem that way.
If you are in the middle of sleep woes just know that it will get better! Don't worry, here are some tips to help you get back to a good night's sleep.
First, try to pinpoint what is upsetting your child. Often a change in their environment can disrupt a child's sleep. Take some time to think through recent events and if your child is old enough you could ask a few questions.
Has your child experienced any of the following:
- Recent illness
- A new school or daycare
- Too many activities late in the evening
- A new sibling
- Not enough naps causing over tiredness (it really can be counterproductive for your toddler to skip naps!)
- Too many naps – older toddlers may need to cut out a nap during the day. (Learn sleep hygiene habits for kids or download my Sleep eBook, free through October 2017)
- Fear of monsters or being in the dark
- A recent move
- Fear of bad weather (storms, thunder, and lightning)
If fear has caused your child to miss out on precious sleep, it's best to address the concerns during the day light hours. Comforting your sleepless one by giving them more of your time during the day to snuggle and chat. Try asking your child what would make them feel better at night.
More sleep solutions for children
At night allay fears by reading a pleasant or calming bedtime story or making up one together. Consider allowing your child to keep a flashlight in their bedroom for moments when they need to see what's going on in their room.
Sometimes children can't sleep in the dark and want a night light. Avoid blue light at night which can disrupt sleep cycles. On the other hand, the warm glow of a salt lamp can do the trick without causing a drop in melatonin production.
If your child has a special lovey or stuffed animal it can be comforting to sleep with as long as the child is old enough. Babies cribs should be free from anything that could cause risk of SIDS.
Older children may be missing out on sleep for a variety of reasons that they are not able to identify. Too much light, too warm, too cold, noises (such as sirens, traffic, neighbors in apartments, etc.), or even too quiet! Using a fan or other white noise machine can help children fall asleep faster.
Often children aren't aware of these sleep disturbances. Check to see if the bed has too many blankets or not enough. The comfort level of the child's mattress can be a factor; often bunk beds are equipped with mattresses that can be terrible for comfort and the condition of sleep.
When my youngest caused a few sleepless nights, I played Bible verse songs on repeat all night in the hallway outside her room. Music or audio books can also be turned on with a sleep timer. My children love falling asleep to books on audible even though they are well past the toddler stage!
Something as simple as leaving the bedroom door open can help a child feel closer to the rest of the family during the night. If possible, allow the door to be open or closed based on your child's preference.
Have a clear bedtime routine that you follow like clockwork. Create a bedtime routine if you don't have one. When you are trying to get your child to go to bed and stay in bed all night, it is important not to alter the bedtime routine unless necessary! Let your child take responsibility for the bedtime routine by creating a chart that they can follow. Keep it simple!
Get the entire family on board! When both parents take turns getting up to comfort the child, everyone gets a little more sleep. Implement new sleep routines on the weekend, so if you DO end up missing out on sleep you can take a nap!
No matter how wonderful it is to rock your baby to sleep, remember that putting your child to sleep while they are getting drowsy but still awake can help them sleep better. Imagine going to sleep in mother's arms then waking up alone in a crib! Best to let them know they are going to be sleeping in their bed than to have them wake up finding themselves alone.
A child who wakes in the night might need comforting from time to time. Letting the child know that you are there, and you will be there when they need you but that you are going back to your bed will keep them from feeling upset when they wake and find you not there.
Often a child who thinks you'll be by their side then wakes to discover you missing will fight sleep. So let them know that you love them and you will be nearby but not in their room.
Avoid too much vigorous activity before bedtime. Dad's often enjoy chasing or wrestling with kids, but it's best to avoid these activities before bedtime to avoid more sleepless nights. Reserve these games for mornings, daytime and weekends.
Too much screen time at night can disrupt sleep cycles. For children, it is especially important to avoid screens at night. Smart phones, tablets, iPads, computers, and televisions emit a type of light that can suppress the sleep hormone melatonin. Avoid these after dinner when possible.
For children who can get out of the bed, you might consider putting a gate up at their bedroom door. A gate will help make sure they can't wander around and get hurt at night. A secure gate will prevent them from leaving the room every time they wake up at night. When they call for you keep it short and sweet, “I am here, but it's time for sleep, go back to bed” is enough.
Role play with a younger child by allowing them to put their dolls or toys to bed at night. Tell them they need to be quiet, so they don't wake up the doll that they just put to sleep.
When it feels like you've done everything you can but your child is still terrified of the dark or seems to be suffering from acute separation anxiety it can help to see a child psychologist. A professional can help especially during periods of stress such as divorce or other traumatic life changes when kids can regress back to old patterns of behaviors like not sleeping at night.
I try to get 8 hours of sleep per night. I sure need a new mattress I love pillow top mattresses the best.
I don’t sleep well at all.
I need a new mattress I think the last time we bought one was in 2009 …I get around 6 to 8hrs a day ..No I don’t sleep good toss and turn all night
i sleep about 8 hours a night but i wake up on and off all night
I do not sleep well AT ALL! Between medications, sleep apnea and a rare neurological disorder, I am up and down all night.. and that’s once I finally go to sleep..
My son loves coming in in the mornings and waking me up. <3
We just changed our mattress and HATE it. It’s too soft and hurts my husbands back and feels as though it collapses when we just sit on it. An expensive mattress too. We toss and turn all night. Get about 6-8 hours sleep but husband only gets 4-6.
I hope you can get your money back!
I get 6-7 hrs of sleep per night. I don’t change my mattress as often as I should and it has been 11 years since I purchased my last mattress. I use an alarm clock to wake up each morning.
Depending on how my 4 month old sleeps I tend to get around 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night. My daughter has become an amazing sleeper. She use to be awful but since she turned 6 she sleeps with no problem
My husband’s snoring does impact my sleep.
I do use an alarm clock and during the week I have to wake up at 5:50 a.m. (Yuck)
Typically about 4-6 hours sleep a night.
I never use an alarm clock. I always seem to wake up when I need to, but my doctor told me that’s actually an internal stress “alarm clock” and here I was thinking I had a super power!
I get about 6 hours of sleep a night. We change or mattress about every 8 hours and yes my son is the reason for my broken sleep.
Lately I have pregnancy sleep insomnia so about 5 to 6 hours.
If I did not use an alarm clock I would be aslepp right now. I have about 7 alarms that go off every morning. I could survive without my alarms! Or I would just get a lot more sleep!
I usually get 7-8 hours of sleep every night. My mattress is a couple years old, we replace them probably every 5 years.
I have trouble sleeping unless our sound machine is on.
Just say music does help to sleep or warm milk can help also I been told
I don’t usually sleep that great. Most of the time I toss and turn all night!
Good Luck every one! This would be an awesome win 🙂
I wake up around 2-5 times a night
I go to beg most night by 10 PM or so- do not fall asleep ’til after 2 or 3 AM 🙁 Cancer & chronic pain do not improve insomnia. I really wan to get at least a mattress for at least one of my kids. Theirs are almost as old as I am(over 40) . Not trying to make people feel sorry for me , but I really do need some help. Still fighting stage 3 cancer & zero $$ for household items.
I replace my mattress every 10 years or if it starts getting lumpy. I get about 8 hours of sleep a night. Most of the time i sleep well. Sometimes i just toss and turn not sure why stress maybe. 11pm is my bedtime. 7am wake up. I do use an alarm clock.
my son sometimes will sneak in the bed and next thing i know hes laying like sideways and my feet are on his legs im like how did you end up that way awful seep night when that happens i wake up with bad back pains hips hurt
We have been trying to move my youngest to my daughter’s bedroom since she moved to college last month. He keeps waking up in the middle of the night and crawling back in bed with me.
Yes I do sleep fairly well at night unless I get an elbow from my sleeping husband every once in awhile. 😉
Never ending hot flashes keep me from getting a good nights sleep.
I have awful insomnia at night. A good mattress might help!
I normally get to bed around midnight, but I should be trying to change that to closer to 11.
Yes, I use an alarm clock to wake up!
I have to say taking a shower before bed helping or watching a movie help also 6 to 8 hours here
This would be awesome for our soon to be 1st grand baby! 🙂
we dont replace our mattress or havent in the last 10 years and i sleep badly
We try to replace our mattress every 5 years.
i slept like a baby i was like in a coma when i woke up today go figure i usually am up and about and right on point
Lately we’ve been tossing & turning so much that our sleep has been shortened.
I try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
We actually STILL cosleep! Whoops!
Usually get 5-6 hours sleep
well i slept in yesterday and i know i got 10 hours of sleep no joke great moive day except i woke up and couldnt go back tosleep
I sleep 6-7 hours a night!
I probably get at least 5-6 hours of sleep if I am lucky! I am a mommy to 8 so I get woke up at least once or more times during the night! I haven’t slept on a real mattress in over 10 years!
We’re way over due for a new mattress
I try to get at least 6 hours of sleep but I am not always successful! I usually replace the mattress when it is time/worn out!
I have fibro and this would help so much.
No caffeine or sugar past 5pm so it doesn’t mess with our sleep!
I have not slept thru the night since I first had kids over 14 years ago.
I try to go to bed around 9 or 10.
We love using a sound machine to help us block out neighborhood noise at night.
here is a tip to get kids to go to sleep do somework out like run around the yard a hour or so before bath time that has worked for me
We like to drink sleepy time tea a couple hours before bed to help us get to sleep better!
I do not replace a mattress that often here last one I had 13 years . Just say say try to get 6 to 8 hours os fleep if possible here
I get six to 7 hours per day
that’s better than a lot of people!
No, my son is my alarm clock.
been there, done that! One day they start sleeping in… something to look forward to 🙂
to get my son to sleep we started using a night light that works
I do not use an alarm clock here . I sleep maybe 6 to 8 hours at times . I take a shower before going to bed too help sleep better
I get about 7 hours of sleep a night.
We don’t replace ours often enough!
A sore throat can keep me up during the winter nights.
Sore throats are the worst!
Try change every 5 yrs
i flip my mattress once a year it helps for a few months .
Lately we’ve been layering our bed with extra blankets for cushioning to try to sleep better… Not the greatest solution.
I have back issues I hve to sleep with a pillow between my legs at times. I put on music or a movie to help me get too sleep. Plus I am a lite sleeper noises do wake me up at times
My son is a great sleeper. He only wakes us up when he has a bad dream.
I go to bed early and get up early. I find if I wake up I struggle to get back to sleep but a mild sleep aid helps if i take it early enough. I get 6-7 hours sleep and it shows in my alertness, attitude, weight and stress.
my son would love this i showed him and he was like we need one use candles at night to ease stress
I use music to help to sleep here or watch a movie helps also . Sleep 6 to 9 hours
If you have chronic pain — or acute pain from a recent injury — getting enough sleep may actually make you hurt less. Many studies have shown a link between sleep loss and lower pain threshold. Unfortunately, being in pain can make it hard to sleep.
Researchers have found that getting good sleep can supplement medication for pain, and I believe that a good bed is a cure!
That’s so true Andrea. The reason I purchased my very first Bed Boss mattress was because of back pain! I can honestly say that when I travel (sleep away from home) I feel more pain all over than I do when I am home. Chronic pain and insomnia often do go hand and hand to the point where you’re not sure which came first… A good diet and a good sleep environment will go a long way towards your health!
My daughter’s mattress is older than she is & she’s a teenger.
Well, that’s just sad, you need to enter every single day to increase your odds of winning one of these!
I get up at 6 am to prepare my kids for school.
i sometimes use aromathearpy to go to sleep for me and my kids always works..
Ditto. I love lavender and a blend called pillow potion!
i sometimes use aromathearpy to go to sleep for me and my kids always works
No we usually don’t use an alarm unless we need to get up earlier than usual.
I think I accidentally put my entry in as Les
We do use an alarm clock. I get up at 545 every morning with my husband, and then take a few minutes to get myself up and moving before I have to wake my school kids up to get them ready and feed the baby.
Nothing beats starting the day with a few minutes to yourself!
I use lavender scent baby wash to help relax before bed sleep 6 to8 hours have trouble sleep some tiems here
I try to get around 6-7 hours of sleep.
I have trouble sleeping at night because of night sweats related to menopause.
I’m right there with ya’ UGH
I usually start getting settled for bed around 10pm
Lately Sleep has been pretty bad. I can’t seem to get comfortable.
I go to bed about 12 to 1 am.
Stress causes me to lose sleep…
I actually need to replace my mattress as it’s been 17 years.
Oh my! You really do need a new mattress… there’s a coupon code if you need a mattress larger than a twin! GREATSLEEP20 at Good luck!
I get between 8-9 hours of sleep each night 🙂
You’re doing good!
I replace a mattress when need here. I sleep 6 to 8 at times not always here due to back issues here
I have difficulty sleeping at night. I try to turn off electronics or anything brain stimulating an hour before bed. I do not drink caffeine. I use lavender essential oil for relaxation.
Well, it seems like you are off to a really good start! I hope you will take the time to browse my sleep archives!
I try to cut caffeine out after 4-5 pm & get a good night’s rest from 6-8 hours! Usually replace our mattress every couple years if possible!
i replace my mattress every like 7 or so years
I get 6 to 7 hours sleep. we replace our mattresses when they are worn out.
worrying about the kids and grandkids
why is it we wake up with these worries? Every night is when my brain seems to want to think about my kids driving, grades, etc. …
I hardly get any sleep that my girls tend to wake me up in the mornings.
I get about 5-6 hours of sleep on weekdays. I try for more on weekends.
I usually replace mattress between 6-8 years, depending. On average I get about 7 hours of sleep a night.
Great post dear!
thank you!
I don’t replace my mattress like I should…maybe every 10 to 15 years? I really should make it more of a priority. Thanks for the chance!
I usually try to go to bed no later than 10pm in order to get about 7 hrs of sleep
Very rarely do I roll onto my stomach to sleep, but when I do, my neck kills me for days.
same. I am a side sleeper. Only way I can sleep on my back is if you tape me to the mattress… well, that doesn’t sound right, does it…
To help my daughter get a better night sleep I have cut off night time viewing on her phone. The baclit screen is still bright even at 0 percentage.
Good for you! That is so much easier said than done I think.
change your mattress every 8 years
yes i use alarm clocks or id be late but on weekends i dont
No I do not sleep well at night… I always toss & turn all through the night ?
I usually get about 5 – 6 hours of sleep and a nap midday.
We get up between 7-8 each morning.
I have anxiety issues plus many health problems like RLS, Arthritis, Spinal Stenosis, bad knees, migraines, Fibromyalgia, depression. Needless to say Its very hard to get rest especially a good nights rest.
Wow, that’s a lot to cope with. We have a group you might benefit from in the way of encouragement:
I get 4 to 5 hours sleep per night, not enough
I try to sleep well. It rarely happens. But I use white noise and every once in a while listen to a sleep “hypnosis” on YouTube.
Typically 5-6, mom of 3
How often do you replace your mattress? Years
How many hours of sleep do you typically get? 5
Do you sleep well? No… I am up tons of times
Do your children wake you up? sometimes
What keeps you from getting a good night’s sleep? fibro, arthritis, sciatica, and noise.
. Also What have you done to help your children get better sleep? sound machines
What time do you normally go to bed? me? 12pm
Get up? 5 am
Do you use an alarm clock? no
How often do you replace your mattress? havent in a couple of years.
I have a slip disc and scoliosis and I suffer from hip pain severely so all this keeps me from getting a good night sleep.
I would love to be able to get new mattresses every 8-10 years for my family and me but to be honest my daughter’s twin size mattress is over 40 years old. It was mine lol and my mattress is over 25 years old. So we both could use a new one badly.
I have to use an alarm or I would sleep all day. lol!
i go to bed at different times around 10.30 but sometimes i fall asleep at 12.00
I get about 8 hours of sleep a night.
I get about 6 hrs of sleep a night….wake about 3-4 times. we r in desperate need of new mattresses….many years past their prime.
I try to change our mattress every 5 years. Sometimes more often.
Having our 1st Grand baby in April..would love this. So cute!
I get between 6-9 hours a night
ive used night lights which i still use and hot coco before bed even in the summer it works
I get about 7 hours of sleep a night
keep cool keeps me from getting a good nights sleep
Hi TO MY FRIEND ThatOrganicMom Rebecca 🙂
I am heading to a sleep study in the middle of the month. I get only 2 to 6 hours of sleep. Most is about 4….its so bad and It is cause of my nerve problems from the accident. We have a crummy bed too….lol….We hope to someday buy a great bed that is comfy. That is nice that you are offering that 20% off here for awhile….SO NICE !!
God is Good and thank you for being kind this way with that offer. Not sure if we can afford it right now, but it is nice to know a great deal is offered 🙂
Hi Shelly! I can’t imagine what you must go through on a daily basis! I wish I could give away a hundred beds or more! Hugs.
I toss and turn a lot at night but I usually get around 7 to 9 hrs of sleep a night
I get between 6-8 hrs sleep a night.
My son is a great sleeper…all night long! We added a white noise sound machine in his room that does the trick.
I certainly do not sleep well, I have even tried melatonin pills and NADA!
I don’t sleep too good. My daughter wakes up a lot at night and the mattress moves and wakes me up. Plus she’s a kicker. She kicks my back and kidneys more than I can count.
We replace mattresses about every 10 years!
well my son used to but now its kinda peaceful no waking up or nothing
I’ve got great sleepers for the most part but the littlest sleep best in my bed. One is nursing, the other always has had a crib aversion.
You’re right about those bunk bed mattresses…. they stink…. but that’s what I’m working with presently. Maybe that’s the problem.
That is awesome Ceri! It is a blessing to get good sleepers!
We usually replace our mattress when it starts looking all ugly and lumpy lol probably every 7 yrs.
Yes I use an alarm clock….his name is Tyler and he’s my 7 year old. 😉
My twins get 8 hours of sleep!
I usually replace my mattress every 6 or 7 years. Just can’t afford it, really!
Yes, I NEED an alarm clock to wake up lol
i sleep pretty good i love snuggling up with my blanket cozy..
i sleep pretty good i love snuggling up with my blanket cozy
Yes, I think that I do sleep well. 🙂
i get about 5 or so and then back to sleep for and hour and a half
Makes it hard to get a good nights rest because our kids wake us up.
We try to replace our mattress every 10 years.
I’ve had insomnia for well over 20 years. A bad bed doesn’t help either. I’m usually up until 4-5am. 🙁
I normally go to bed any where from 11 p.m-2 a.m
Unfortunately we need to replace our mattresses it’s been about 10 or more years now…
This is awesome!! What great ideas! We never replace our mattresses so this would be so good!!
I appreciate all the helpful tips you gave in helping us get more rest. Without it we are all just a mess!!!
I normally get up to 6 hours a night is I am lucky.
about every 10 years but i had a foam one that lasted only 6 so it depends on which mattress i get
It’s important to have a comfy mattress I work all shifts and sleep is huge for me i have to have 8 hours
I get between 6-8 hours of sleep most nights.
I’m a night owl and generally don’t get to bed until midnight – 12:30.
What keeps me from getting a good night sleep is I worry about everything and everyone!
I change my sons mattress quite often because he has Autism & has rocked since he was a baby. Who woulda thought we’d gp through so many mattresses because he rocks so hard.
My kids, 6&9, get about 11 hours of sleep each night!
I go to bed by 11 pm
I sleep between 6-7 hrs. a night. My daughter sleeps about 8-9 hrs. a night. We both need new mattresses sooo bad. Thank you
I tend to get 8 hours, but i really make it a priority. My fiance gets way less. Its like 4.
I typically only get about 6 hours of sleep a night. I’d love to get the 8 that’s recommended.
I would like to replaced my mattress because it is over 10 yrs old. I get 7-8 hours of sleep a night and my daughter usually wakes me up when I can sleep in.
I don’t get much sleep at all. I have crazy dreams that wake me up. I get up at 3am and usually go to bed about 11pm.
wow, I have not replaced my mattress for about 8 years, and I only get about 4 hours sleep at a time. I know I need a new mattress!
I sleep between 6-7 hrs and haven’t changed our mattress in almost 10 years..
We got a new mattress last year but before that it had been 10 plus years. I lay down at 11 and am up at 8 but in that time i toss and turn alot and get woken up by my son in utero and my 3 year old daughter flipping all over and calling for me in her sleep so i dont get much sleeping done. My son is due 9/14 so id love to get my daughter sleeping in het own bed asap. It will help us all haha
I do not sleep well at all. I’m very restless when it comes to sleeping and I am a very light sleeper!
I am a grand parent of 6 so get to spoil them and send them them home but when they do sleep over they usually wake me up wanting a drink have to go to the bathroom or to simply tell me they love me, so totally worth it.
I hear that’s the best part of being a grandparent!
I do not sleep well at all. Time for a new mattress
my child always has a hard time on finding the right mattress he is 6 and tosses and turns hope to win this for him..on my mattress i get atleast 6 hours
I am lucky to get 5 hours of sleep each night.
I try not to drink coffee after 4 PM
Being a parent to a 2 year old getting sleep isn’t always easy.. she is pretty good about going to sleep but wakes up crying when her sippy cup is empty or when she just wants to know that i’m near her. I also usually get to bet late because i have to do my nightly chores as well before going to bed. it’s a busy job but i love being a parent!!! thanks so much for this giveaway!!!
I can certainly use more sleep. I feel I spend my time tossing and turning instead of sleeping.
I usually get about 8-9 hours of sleep at night, my kids get around the same. I actually just replaced my mattress for the first time in 10 years last year. My youngest two are still in toddler beds with crib mattresses, and honestly I think it is starting to affect the way that they sleep.
I get 6 to 7 hours sleep. we replace our mattresses when they are worn out.
This is a blessing. Thanks for the chance. We haven’t replaced our’s or our children’s mattress in so long I don’t even know how long its been. 😐 My children average around 7 hrs. asleep and my husband and I average about 6 hrs. a night.
Sometimes 8 or 9 if I am lucky! most of the time 6/7 hrs.
My daughter doesnt sleep great and neither do i!
I sleep terribly. I have an old mattress & I need to win!! Thank you 🙂
Good luck!
I try to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night!
I sleep between 7-8 hours a night.
I get about 7 hours of sleep each night.
After reading this I have to get a salt lamp!! I’ve been wanting one for a while now! We do our oils and diffuser to calm the kiddos down! I totally agree a solid and consistent bedtime routine is what it’s all about!!
Yes! Oils are a great addition to a bedtime routine!