Last Updated on June 29, 2022 by Rebecca Huff
Have you ever just really liked something so much you wanted all your friends to try it? Things you like so much you just wanna dance and sing about it? That's how I feel about some of my Favorite Things…
The THM Ninjas (our local Trim Healthy Mama group) got together on our usual night this week but this time we had something special planned!
Our Favorite Things!
Here's the details:
For this party we set a $10 limit/per item and 5 items per person AND a required RSVP.
So for example 10 people RSVP that they are coming. Each of attendee selects and purchases five of our favorite on-plan items. For example, my mom has a Tazo Peach tea that she really likes for making Good Girl Moon Shine… she could bring five boxes of those together with five jars of Apple Cider Vinegar for a total of $9.59 per gift to the swap. All total she spends about $50.
At the swap all of everyone's “Favorite Things” are arranged in one area. The hostess will count how many people are participating including herself and write numbers on slips of paper. Everyone who is participating will draw a number from a hat. Then in numerical order, each person who brought 5 items will take a turn going through the line taking ONE item per round. Then everyone goes through again until everyone has gone through and taken five items that they want to try and all items are taken. This way everyone who brings five of their favorite items goes home with five new items to try.

If everyone brings five items or “sets” of items and everyone takes home five items you end up with about $50 worth of goodies! Keep in mind that this swap is for your favorite Trim Healthy Mama on plan items that you have tried and love!
The one item I don't want to do without is Gentle Sweet, so I bought five bags to swap. We didn't agree ahead of time to wrap our gifts or anything, but I thought a bow would be cute so I added a little pink one with curls…

Another group member though ribbons and bows would hold her two items together, so she too used ribbon. Low carb spinach wraps and Polaner fiber fruit spread.
One by one as members arrived we realized that we had all made our “swap items” look like gifts. Here's another favorite: Psyllium for Wonder Wraps and shelf stable Heavy Whipping Cream for making toppings like in the Cocoa Wonder Wrap Dessert Recipe!

The gifts were varied and fun. I loved that several members found and brought Lily's Chocolate.

I was so excited when I saw the silicone butterfly shaped cake pans and spatulas that one of our members brought…I was really hoping that I would get an early number so I could grab one of those! I drew number 5 and when my turn came I got my butterfly pan, spatula and jam! Guess what I'll be making in this pan? Butterfly wings cake…

I thought this was another clever “favorite” by one of our group members. These chips work great as an E snack, plus she added a jar of coconut oil. Those got snatched up pretty quick. I really like these Bean chips…

One of our members is an expert Aldi's shopper, so she brought some on plan snacks that she usually finds and loves along with a tester of her homemade sweetener blend.

I think I picked this one on my second round! Just the thought of making a caramel apple tea… YUM

Let's just say there were lots of laughs. I have the pictures, but I won't share those because I wanted to show you all the goodies! We were all so excited to watch what the others would choose and wait our turn to go pick our next item. We had paper bags to carry our goodies home in. Here's a shot of all my goodies together.
Even better than the goodies we all get to try was the friendship, the fellowship and the support that we gain from meeting together and encouraging each other on a weekly basis. We can't all make it to every single meeting, but we do our best to be there when one of us needs encouragement, or help getting back on track.
What would YOU bring to a THM Favorites Exchange? Share in the comments below!
You may also be interested in my Weight Loss page, where I have compiled lots of information to help you on your journey!
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