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Last Updated on October 24, 2022 by Rebecca Huff
This past weekend I attended the 22nd Annual Conference of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Multiple exhibits stressed the harmful effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Humans including today's guest, Justin Frandson.
You can’t hear, see, or smell them; electromagnetic fields. The earth emits low level electromagnetic fields. The earth, sun and ionosphere are all natural sources of EMF.
However, the subject of this podcast episode isn’t how to block EMFs; it is about learning to live with them. Although, manmade magnetic fields are causing a broad spectrum of dangerous radiation to human health. As mentioned in this podcast episode, full blocking (like sleeping in a Faraday bag) would also cut us off from the good energy emitted by the Earth.
The increase in biological exposure to manmade EMFs is in the billions, so how can we learn to live with them with the least damage?
There are folks who suggest that EMF exposure is not harmful; however, let’s keep in mind that doctors denied cigarettes were harmful to public health in the beginning.
Keep in mind it’s easier to prevent than treat disease, or as I mention in the podcast episode, err on the side of caution without living in fear.
Types of EMFs
On average, there are four types of manmade EMFs in a home.
- Dirty Electricity – Itinerant frequencies that create unnatural electromagnetic environments like fluorescent and LED lighting.
- Radio Frequency/Microwave Radiation – WiFi and Bluetooth devices along with microwave ovens.
- Magnetic Fields – These occur when electricity is flowing. Frequently used appliances with large motors are typically the worst offenders. (Avoid having these large appliances share an adjoining wall with your bed as the closer you are to these magnetic fields, the stronger. The further you are, the more they fall off.
- Electric Fields – Emanate from all the wiring in your home. This includes extension cords and power cords.

Considering the four types of manmade EMFs, exposure can come from many sources, such as:
- mobile phones, laptops, iPads, bluetooth headphones
- power lines
- x-rays
- tanning beds, microwave ovens, and other electric appliances
The main topic of this podcast conversation will be concerning electronic devices which use WiFi and Bluetooth, however we touch on other types of EMFs briefly.
Where Does EMF Exposure Come From?
Families are exposed to EMFs at school and at home. Children are exposed to electromagnetic fields in many forms from baby monitors to iPads. In American schools, children are often able to use computers as early as preschool.
France banned WiFi in elementary schools years ago. The governments of other countries such as Spain, Germany, and Russia have recommendations to ban WiFi from schools due to potential health challenges.
EMFs influence metabolic processes in the human body and exert various biological effects on cells through a range of mechanisms. 1
EMF exposure intensity decreases as you move away from the object that’s sending out waves.
High-frequency EMFs are the ionizing type of radiation. Scientific literature agrees that large exposures can cause damage. Xray machines, CT Scans, and tanning beds are examples of this low levels of this type of radiation. (National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet.)
Low- to mid-frequency EMFs are considered non-ionizing type of radiation. Examples include hair dryers, power lines, cellphones, and microwave ovens.
EMF Exposure Symptoms
The problem of health effects of RF EMF has not been definitively resolved, however, they suggest it appears necessary to use precautionary principles and ALARA (As Low as Reasonably Achievable) principles.
it is recommended that the interpretation of results from studies on health effects of RF radiation should take sponsorship from the telecom or other industry into account. It is concluded that the ICNIRP has failed to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of health risks associated with RF radiation. The latest ICNIRP publication cannot be used for guidelines on this exposure.
So what are some of the actual adverse health effects of exposure? Again, there is no professional diagnosis but reported symptoms include:
- sleep disturbances
- chemical sensitivities (fragrances, etc.)
- headaches
- anxiety
- suicide and depression
- nausea
- fatigue
- loss of libido
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
World Health Organization (WHO) has classified radio electromagnetic fields as a potential carcinogen.
Electromagnetic fields can be dangerous not only because of the risk of cancer, but also other health problems, including electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS).
“The few high-quality studies in animals have provided no evidence that Wi-Fi is harmful to health.” 3 (Long term exposure of mobile phone use has not been studied sufficiently.)
Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is sensitivity to electromagnetic fields, which causes negative symptoms but is not a recognized medical diagnosis. Sensitivity to EMF is termed ‘Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity or EHS, which in medical literature is also known as idiopathic environmental intolerance.
Dr. Martin Pall states that our kids, kids will be the first to see DNA changes and here’s how to protect them from EMF Exposure.
Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure
We’re all exposed to electromagnetic fields on a daily basis but we can minimize the intensity of this exposure by taking some or all of the following precautions.
- Hardwire your home so your wifi is not always on.
- Go barefoot outside and have Grounding Bags near you.
- Avoid solar power: Solar in homes causes massive dirty electricity.
- Put your phone in airplane mode most of the time, check the setting to make sure this turns off bluetooth and wifi.
- Avoid dimmer switches which contribute to dirty electricity.
- Eliminate fluorescent lights – frequencies from these lights are terrible.
- Smart TVs emit EMFs even when they aren’t on.
- Opt-out of your SMART meter and convert it to analogue.

Other interventions
You can check out Justin’s EMF rocks at his website:
Once you put some of these practices in place, you may notice improvement in sleep and health.
The cumulative benefits of at least 3% deeper sleep per night are massive for continued health, cognitive function, and performance. source
EMR can lead to metabolic disorders of monoamine neurotransmitters in the brain, depending on the intensity of radiation exposure, and might in theory result in abnormal emotional behavior. This might explain why children with reduced exposure to EMFs and increased outdoor activity often experience improved behaviors.
Further Reading
- The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg
- EMF*d by Joseph Mercola
Meet Justin Frandson

Justin Frandson is an Athleticism Performance Coach who has worked with amateur and professional athletes for the past two decades. He saw his athletes breaking down from the excessive levels of EMF from their SMART watches, wireless earbuds, and electric cars. He has tested hundreds of homes and clients. The solution? Grounding Bags with hand-mined crystals with moisture and magnetic properties to ground and repel EMF, which contribute to a deeper night's sleep, protecting them from the excess rollout of man-made radiation.
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- Kıvrak, Elfide Gizem et al. “Effects of electromagnetic fields exposure on the antioxidant defense system.” Journal of microscopy and ultrastructure vol. 5,4 (2017): 167-176. doi:10.1016/j.jmau.2017.07.003
- Bortkiewicz, Alicja. “Health effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF EMF).” Industrial health vol. 57,4 (2019): 403-405. doi:10.2486/indhealth.57_400
- https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/electromagnetic-fields-fact-sheet#r8
Podcast Transcripts
Rebecca: Oh, this, this should be really a great conversation because anytime I talk to people about grounding or earthing, they're like, Oh gosh, you know, I.
Rebecca: This is some Rebecca's wacky stuff she's into, or if I say anything about EMFs, they're like, Oh, conspiracy theory. So I'm like, Oh, okay. Here's someone who has, I'm sure a lot of things to say about this, actually, if you drive through my neighborhood, I'd say at least half of the people who live in my neighborhood have up signs, no 5g.
Rebecca: So thought.
Justin: I wanna move to that neighborhood.
Rebecca: Tell me a little bit about yourself, Justin. I mean, what made you decide to start a company helping us to guard our health against these electromagnetic fields?
Justin: Yeah, well, I'm an athleticism performance coach, so athleticism.com started out about 25 years ago working with amateur and professional athletes for sports performance. I do nerve work for sports performance and really looked out of the box to see how I could help facilitate it and these guys to perform at the higher level.
Justin: and obviously one of the easiest things to do to get someone better is to clear the stressor outta their life. So I started seeing EMF as the manmade stuff as one of the biggest invisible stressors that we were facing. And then they just kept getting stronger and stronger and closer and closer to us.
Justin: And so that's what brought me to the emf.
Rebecca: Wow. So in case people are listening and they don't know what EMFs are, why don't you explain a little bit about them and why they can be hazardous to our health?
Justin: Yeah, so everybody, let's have a little biology, physics lesson right here.
Justin: We're not just a body in air, like there's a little more to it than. Everything has a wave form resonance. Everything carries a frequency. We are one with the universe as resonance. Let me say that again. We are one with the universe. Okay. We rev really close to the healing pulse, the earth. We do really well with wave forms that are un polarized.
Justin: Those would be considered wave forms. Our whole atmosphere, air or ether is all plasma. Which waves and particles travel through. That's how you're able to hear me and I'm able to hear you and really simple stuff, but people don't really look at it that way. Now, the universe is made with unpolarized waves. They distribute equally and average direction.
Justin: But this manmade stuff that's millimeter waves. One directional wave forms, or they would not work that are 10 zeros faster than how we're meant to rev sleep and optimize. So you have a polarizing one directional wave form when we're built on waveforms that distribute equally in every direction.
Justin: So the sun is in a one directional beam or just zap bus, we wouldn't be. So that's kind of how these work. Those panels that you see on a cell tower have to face different directions cuz they can only go one directional in the direction they're facing. So simple physics we're just made differently than manmade electromagnetic fields and frequencies.
Justin: And when we bring in that different frequency at the mass volume that we do, And the high level, the speed of which it does, it's gonna affect our body.
Rebecca: And you're talking about these mass, amounts of these manmade, Can you explain where they're coming from?
Justin: Yes, Manmade millimeter waves. Okay, so there's two forms. Remember, there's cosmic shifts in the atmosphere, which be solar flares and things like that. And then there could be manmade. So manmade electricity comes in three different forms as well. Comes in electricity. Dirty electricity, electricity and magnetic resonance, dirty electricity.
Justin: And then you have the third one would be wireless. The one directional radio frequency, like the wireless waves that we call. And those are how when we go to shop for a meter to measure the speed of these invisible wave form. There's meters to quantify it. So a milli goss meter would meter electricity in the 50 to 60 waves per second.
Justin: A dirty electricity meter would meter 4,000 to couple hundred thousand waves per second. The wireless signal acoustic meter would meet in the millions to billions of ways per second for a cell phone. So that's the difference is that we have the cosmic shift.
Justin: So when we shift the electromagnetic yields in our, in our atmosphere, in our electromagnetic blanket of an atmosphere, our bodies adapt to that, and that's what we've seen and that's how we measure it.
Rebecca: One question, when you say dirty electricity, can you explain what you mean by that?
Justin: Yes. Dirty electricity. There's been lots of books on it. On different, that, that 4,000, a couple hundred thousand waves per second spectrum, it means that there's static in a line. So whenever you're working with electricity, you want to ground out these things. So signals going in and out of a junction have to meet, or you have lots of static in the line.
Justin: So DIM switches on on a light that they're requesting a level of light. You're requesting a certain level of light. And so to give you that light, they have to have static. It's, it's not a clean in and out, so that causes dirty electricity, solar panels on a home that would cause lots of dirty electricity cuz they're storing electricity, giving you the usage that request requesting.
Justin: And so that's lots of dirty electricity. And then you have, transformers in l e d lights, lots of dirty electricity from these L e D lights. So those are some of the big ones. Rats eating lines going in and out of a junction. So if they don't meet dirty, electricity. And so that's why you see going and cleaning out the lines underneath cuz a lot of people's homes will have flickering and they'll go in and off all the time, and that's dirty electricity.
Justin: So these are things that we really have to look at when we're understanding dirty electricity spectrum.
Rebecca: It can be easy to hear all of these things and then just kind of freak out and be like, Okay, what am I gonna do? Go like hide in the woods or something. Like, how do I get away from it? What do I do? I mean, I think there's a couple of different camps that people fall in.
Rebecca: One, they just either don't believe this at all. It's completely a hoax, or they believe it, but they're not sure what to do about it. So, and I think there's people that fully do believe in it. Okay, there's, there's this dirty electricity, there's EMFs. I need to do some things. We can't just disengage from technology because, you know, this is part a lot of us, this is our job.
Rebecca: This is how we communicate with one another. So what kind of precautions can people take? Maybe parents are listening and they're concerned about their kids because kids are, you know, they're on computers, they're using wifi and Bluetooth for school and everything else. What, what can parents do? Can you give us like some tips or strategies?
Justin: Yeah, definitely. Well, you're so right. I'm gonna back up before I go into what we can do about it, but I think you're so right on so many levels as far people really acknowledging or are willing to acknowledge it, they're like, Hey, we've lived electricity for since 1889, You know, and I feel fine.
Justin: And, and, but there's so many people that are electromagnetic sensitive. And you look at this book, there's a chart in The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Fienberg. I forget which pages, in the in the first a hundred pages, And it, it, it starts in, in 1850 and then goes to 1940 and before 1889 when telegraph and electricity in people's homes, the flu would just come and go, and it was very minuscule when, as far as how many people would die from it.
Justin: Then when we started introducing electricity in the homes, the flu was here to. And then 1918 it spiked up and then obviously it spiked up again. Spanish flu, you know, so and so. These are the things that we're seeing. There's like records and it's documented that this stuff. When we roll this stuff out on big levels that it really affects us.
Justin: So even our own government in 1996 established procedural protocol levels and said, Hey, if something's ionizing and creates a thermal effect, that's not healthy for us. But if it's non-ionizing, then you can still use it and use as much of it and, and then you're good to go. But what we know is that's a lie now cuz Dr.
Justin: Martin Paul. Talks about the voltage gated calcium channels opening up, letting positive calcium into a negative cell in turn, causing tremendous cell and DNA damage. So we know these studies have disproved it Bio initiative.org had couple hundred scientists from 40 countries. They've done thousands of studies setting these procedural levels of electricity during electricity and wireless.
Justin: They've shown that the stuff is not healthy for you, so it's not really a matter of is it harmful for you? It's a matter of who's really listening to it and who's aware to it, and who really wants to acknowledge that. The stuff, hey, it's so different and it's a really, I think it's an educational component of understanding the difference in wave forms.
Justin: So when you let someone know that we're made with waveforms that distribute equally in every direction, the resonance of our body, it is un polarized. It distributes equally in every direction, like the sun, like this Schumann resonnance.
Justin: So there that 7.83 herz or wave per second. It's that pulse. You can't just stand in one spot and get a laser being found coming up and then you're good. Like that just isn't how we work in the universe works. So understanding basic physics and biology of how we're designed will get those people to understand that this stuff isn't enhancing.
Justin: And once we understand that, it's not enhancing. Then we understand that we have to shut it down and take protocols to slow the bandwidth. So my phone's on airplane mode right now. I'm hardwired in my computer. I have zero wireless radiation affecting me in my direct proximity. So this is where we wanna start to learn to coexist with this.
Justin: And you know, I just happen to have one of our EMF rocks grounding bags on my desk. Actually, I have two and a mini, and so I have established proximity protocols with this stuff. I have products to help convert the one directional wave forms with me, and I have these practices outside of my office and home where I get grounded by nature outside.
Justin: By going barefoot, having a picnic outside, touching a tree. I live in Laguna Beach, California. I surf all the time. I'm in the water, Pacific Ocean every single day. And that is how I get grounded cuz that's full of negative ion charge. We pull the electrons from it to recharge our body battery.
Justin: This is simply how we work. We get the positive from the sun. Un polarized, that distributed equally in every direction, negative from below, and we breathe in the microbiome. And then minerals. Really simple. You're going to Western Price. You're gonna hear Eileen McKusick. She's gonna say that same thing.
Justin: That's what she wrote about in her book. This is how we rev and work as a body. So, The people that don't get it, we just have to educate 'em and let 'em know that first off, like a virus is our adaptive system. It's, there's nothing flying around to kill anyone. I mean, literally a virus is a dead protein.
Justin: It's a system upgrade to adapt to environmental toxins like 5G or glyphosate when we're poisoned by 'em. That's what we're adapting to right now. So education, understanding biology, physics, waveform, nutrition, so many different levels of this will push us through to allow us to come together.
Justin: And have proximity awarenesses with this and be able to live a lot healthier abundant lives.
Rebecca: So that's a lot of information to take in and I feel like some of that might be a little bit over our heads. So I'm looking for some practical tips, like what are things that parents can do, say they're listening and they see the validity in your argument and they want to, maybe they just want to even err on the side of caution. “Okay? I'm not 100% sure that this is, a danger to my family's health, but let's just say maybe it is.”
Rebecca: what are some of the steps that we can take? What can we put in place to help us to reduce this load in our environments?
Justin: Yeah, Rebecca, first off is to identify what the stressors are. So get some meters. You have electricity meter, dirty electricity, wireless meter. Start to see where they are. Okay, so we have electricity on our walls.
Justin: We know that if your bed's touching the walls, charged the level outlet. So maybe put a grounding bag on your bed. That would be great. Maybe turn the electricity off in your entire bedroom at night. Turn your router off, put a, get a timer. On your electrical outlet that turns your route routers off at night so you can sleep and something's not pinging.
Justin: It's like something's tapping you on your shoulder saying, Hey, Rebecca talked to me all night long. Oh, you're going, Hey, I wanna sleep. That's what these wave forms do. 2.45 billion ways per second. Your brain sleeps at one to eight herz or waves per second, so your brain tries to figure out what that frequency is.
Justin: So that's why people go into a twilight sleep. So shut down the electricity at night, put the routers on, timers, convert your smart meter to analog, the smart meter, your automated gas and electric meter that the gas and electric companies sold. They, they got to eliminate a lot of jobs, lower their costs, increase the revenue by automating the stuff it's.
Justin: It's a, it's a sporadic pulse every seven to 15 seconds at billions of ways per second. That messes with your body and your sleep, and it's very destructive for the body. In a lot of states like California, you can opt out and convert it back to an analog meter, $75 one time fee, $10 a month. Not a big deal for most people.
Justin: , but it'll make a significant deal to get your home off the grid of that internet of things that they're looking for everyone to be dialed in on.
Rebecca: Mm-hmm.
Justin: I would look at getting rid of solar, , on your home. Avoid solar, all costs, avoid incandescent. Go back to candescent lights. Avoid the new l e d lights.
Justin: Really making sure your, your home's grounded properly. So have an electrician ground out stuff. You can add a couple grounding rods, you know, connecting to your panel, and then find a vortex where it's really good for the other rod. Connect those lines going through your water lines. Hot, cold, everything.
Justin: Ground out the home. There's a lot of different solutions that people can start to look at. , make sure you're charging your devices in other rooms. Make sure they're on airplane mode or in a faraday bag, as well and or both. cuz the fair day bag will help preserve the life of your battery cuz of the data harvesting
Rebecca: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I wanted to ask you about that Faraday bags. Can you explain how that works? Because you just, a couple of things You said, , avoid being near your phone while it's charging. Why would we do that?
Justin: Well, you just don't want your phone in your bedroom when you're charging, cuz the, the actual. when you're the, the plug that you plug it in and then the little box for the charger that's a little battery as deal that's charging it. So it has a resonance that's has milli go stressor. So you, again, you wanna have that in another room.
Justin: I mean, I think other than subconsciously having your home in your bedroom, especially a safe space where you can get sleep and really ground and restore and heal. You don't want to be inundated by manmade non-native frequency. So get that stuff out. Allow your home to be a sanctuary, and especially in the bedroom.
Justin: So that's why you wanna charge it elsewhere.
Rebecca: And what about, , airplane mode? Is that enough or do we need more than just putting our phone on airplane mode when we're sleeping?
Justin: And that would be the best first step. Yeah, for sure. Mm-hmm. , I think you're, a lot of people are doing both. I've seen better results doing both as far as the life of the battery lasts, they're, these cell companies are getting so tricky with being able to harvest information and track where you're at and and aggregate all this for surveillance marketing to where.
Justin: They're listening to everything you're doing and saying, So if you can have another layer of protection other than just airplane mode, that's gonna serve you in your best interest. Slow down the AI so they're not aggregating all this stuff. And, and, that, that to me is, is really beneficial too.
Rebecca: And the faraday Bag works to help with this.
Justin: Yeah, it does. The phone, the phone will still ring in it. It's seven millimeters of aluminum static bag., even when you double up, the newer phones, your location still can be found after 10 minutes. The seepage, this is 14 mil millimeters. When you have two of these, I have a bigger one, eight by eight.
Justin: That's four by eight and a half that when you double up on these at 14 millimeters of a faraday bag, the static aluminum bag. They can still find your location. It's unbelievable. Your phone, a newer phone will ring through this. So frequency go in and out of that. But there's something, physics, why when you put a positive charge, a polarizing charge in it, it squashes it to safe levels and then we, we actually deploy our grounding bags.
Justin: Crystals inside of a static bag as well. But when you put a positive charge in 'em, they end up, amplifying it. So that's a whole different conversation. But these faraday bags are super, super effective for slowing down the bound. So if I were to muscle test someone through applied kinesiology, if you just test it with the phone in the hand, they go weak.
Justin: You put it in here, they're strong. You put it in here. When it's ringing, they're still strong.
Rebecca: Wow, that's amazing. What about, couldn't you just apply that to your entire bed?
Justin: Well, that's the whole thing is like what you said earlier, Rebecca, we don't wanna live in a fair day cage. I mean, we can't, we can't sleep in a tent and, you know, live in a faraday cage, all the, we gotta coexist with this stuff.
Justin: So for the moms out there, Looking to coexist with it. That's why we created these rocks is because we're not a blocking device. We're not saying, Hey, you can't live your life. We're saying, No, no, no. Put these in your bed. You'll sleep better than ever. Five together, we'll clear 2000 square feet of your home.
Justin: Put the mini in your kids backpack or in your purse or in a guy's pocket, and you can have protection wherever you go. That's the whole thing is we can now coexist with manmade EMF because of the grounding bags.
Rebecca: So without being too, too technical, too sciencey, how does it work?
Justin: Just the way the earth works. So these crystals have a resonance. It's just like walking barefoot in a back. They're hand mine crystals. They have moisture, magnetic, properties. So S amethyst, black turine, they'll have known magnetic resonance to 'em to help with the emf. That's why so many people have 'em on their desks. These have that, plus they have a moisture content cuz they were compressed from a underground water source.
Justin: The combination. Gives them a really stronger resonance for helping protect us from EMF and recharging us. So they kick off a resonance. That resonance converts the one directional wave form. There may be some absorption, a lot of conversion, so we end up accepting our bodies. End up accepting technology.
Justin: Manmade, non-native technology a lot. That's how it works. See, it's same way of going outside and getting grounded outside. It's that negative charge to convert the resonance.
Rebecca: Mm-hmm.
Justin: to recharge us. We pull the electrons in us to ground us. That's how the stuff works. So it's no different from being outside than to having a grounding bag, you know, on your bed.
Justin: You're just gonna feel like everyone will sleep three to 50% deeper. That's why we sell 'em at doctor clinics all around the country.
Rebecca: Fascinating. So, if someone's listening and they wanna just research and get into this more, where can we find you?
Justin: EMF rocks.com. Mm-hmm. athleticism.com is the other site, and that's where I have curated health and performance products. So those are the two sites.
Rebecca: That's great. I'll make sure to put those links in the show notes so that people can find you easier. I just wanna say thank you so much for taking the time to share this information, it's really important, not just for parents, for everyone, but I, I know a lot of parents are getting, concerned about this and they really want to do what they can. But at the same time, you know, time marches on and we have technology in our lives, I think to stay.
Justin: Well, it'll be beneficial for all the moms. I mean, this, this 5G is, it's definitely here to stay, unfortunately, but it's definitely the reason everyone's getting sick and cognitive challenges are the first challenges that they'll see with themselves and their kids.
Justin: So to really get 'em grounded, get the iPads off their laps, and get the earbuds out of their ears and get the smart watches off the wrist. Are going to be huge, huge, , benefit for their kids, for their long term health.
Rebecca: Awesome. Thank you so much. ,
Justin: Thank you, Rebecca.