Last Updated on October 6, 2021 by Rebecca Huff
Beauty comes from the inside.
If you don't have that inner joy, then you might not have a sparkle in your eyes. I know there have been times in my life when I look back at pictures, I can see that the “light” in my eyes seems to be missing. Not only do I see it, but I have had friends point it out. So my number one tip for beauty, is find your joy.
Another important part of being beautiful is to learn to be grateful. Sometimes, I struggle with this as I tend to be less than optimistic at times…
Having a beauty routine is also important! Now, there's definitely room for improvement in my routine, but I wanted to share it anyways along with some suggestions for you along with reminders for myself! Being in my mid-forties, you might not think I should be giving beauty advice, but remember, beauty comes from within and I know so many beautiful ladies in their 60's, 70's, 80's and even a few in their 90's. Consider Mrs. Nancy Reagan who recently passed away, she was a beautiful lady in my opinion. Just look at her back in 2009 in Vanity Fair!
5:00 am – Wake up from a good night's sleep, meaning you went to bed on time and got a full night's sleep. After a quick stretch, It's my time to Get together with God (i drink a cup of coffee with added protein
6:00 am – Head to the Gym (some people do this in the afternoons or evenings, I'm not a fan most days so I have to get it over with before I talk myself out of going.
things to take to the gym:
- sanitizer spray (I carry a small bottle of Thieves)
- antibacterial gel (I don't sell it, but I do carry a bottle of Thieves hand gel)
- if you shower at the gym (no i don't), bring your own towel to reduce the risk of MRSA (methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureui) – and trust me, it happens, it's happened to friends of mine and also teenagers I know from school locker room/gym showers…
- take flip flops for the shower to decrease the chance you might pick up fungi or bacteria. Please…just thinking about it…Ewwww
- if you lift weights – use gloves to avoid calluses
- heart rate monitor for staying in the zone
- earbuds, if you don't have a workout buddy 🙂
7:00 am – Beauty Routine –
- Shower or spot wash using products you've checked out to be low or no toxins.
- Ditch your antiperspirant because it only makes you smell worse, plus it's bad for you! Use deodorant instead, or just use coconut oil.
- Take care of your teeth using a soft bristle brush, dental floss
- Practice nasal cleansing with this exact neti pot, I've used it for years and never get sinus infections!
- For skincare, I usually keep it simple. Most days I just use a konjac sponge and some cream to cleanse my face… I do have other tools and products but I am often trying to get so many things done that they drop to the bottom of my priority list
7:45 am – Eat a healthy breakfast. This means you're gonna eat something besides cereal. I also take vitamins: my bare-bones vitamin includes:
- vitamin D
- magnesium
- krill oil or fish oil
During the day – You are most likely very busy during the middle part of your day, whether you are at work, school or at home. Some important beauty tips:
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from the inside out
- Practice good posture, if you are sitting, try to sit up straight and keep your wrists lower than your elbows at the keyboard
- Don't forget to practice some Kegels to build your girly muscles
- Sitting is the new smoking, if you are tied to a desk, occasionally stand up,
- To be focused and make the best use of your time, make a priority list and be realistic
- Find ways to reduce stress
- Smile, be genuine
- If you can, having plants in your environment helps clean the air and makes you healthier
- Keep curtains or blinds open if you have the option
- During breaks take a walk to get a little exercise and a new perspective
Lunch break – don't skip lunch! It's also important for beauty to maintain proper digestion; eat slowly, focus on your food and pack good healthy lunches and pack a lunch for your man! When I worked in an office, we often ate at a desk, and you might do that too, but if you have a choice, eat elsewhere! Now that I am working and teaching school at home, I like to eat outside when possible.
Be Yourself – one of the most important aspects of being beautiful is to be authentic. Don't try to be someone else. My daughter Ivy is a great example of this. She's so unique and she isn't ashamed of it. She's an amazing artist and has had her work featured in several exhibits. She also does a video series with me called Ivy Wants Food because she LOVES food.
Afternoon slump – Snap out of afternoon slumps by drinking a cup of green tea or other teas. Also, have a mid-afternoon snack, don't forget protein, manage stress,
Keep a sense of humor. Laugh at yourself! My daughters have taught me so much through their work ethics. I won't go into details, but both have experience working in the beauty industry (one as a career and one just short term) and have overcome so much cattiness that can go on there and ended up with lifelong friends in the industry.
My daughter Macey (below) has taught me so much about not limiting your dreams, giving people a second chance, and how to get over yourself. Who says children don't' teach their parents?
Dinner time – enjoy dinner with the family and good music, limit your alcohol and preferably stick with dry red wine, take evening vitamins and consider adding some of the following fats and oils to your diet to improve the look of hair, nails, skin, and figure:
- coconut oil – besides being a metabolism-boosting oil, this wonderful oil can help keep your skin and hair in amazing shape,
- red palm oil – like coconut oil, this tropical oil has about half fewer calories per gram of fat than do soy, corn, or safflower
- olive oil – an omega-9 fatty acid, using olive oil in foods can give you that Mediterranean glow, don't heat olive oil, no matter what Rachel Ray says!
- flaxseed oil gives skin a beautiful glow. It is important to nourish your skin from the inside out. Flaxseed oil keeps your skin looking wrinkle-free longer. Keep this oil refrigerated as it can go bad in as little as three months. If your health food shop has a large and small bottle, choose the smaller one and replenish it more often.
Evening routine – do it for your sanity; check your calendar, think about tomorrow, items such as food, water, clothes, vitamins. Always remove your makeup before bed, moisturize your face and take care of your teeth. I usually just “clean up” in the morning and shower at night. I like to go to bed clean and relaxed. I take a detox bath or a shower and use magnesium body butter on my feet right before bed.
Go to bed in your Oasis and sleep well without lights or electronics! Try to get between 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night…it's called “getting your beauty sleep” by beautiful people!
I also feel that part of being beautiful is giving back to the community and the world around you. Do whatever you are comfortable with. There are so many opportunities to give.
What are your best beauty tips? Please share them in the comments below and don't forget to save this pin for later! It's on my “I enjoy being a girl” pinterest board!
Follow ThatOrganicMom's board I enjoy being a GIRL on Pinterest.
I love your day! I am 55. I have discovered it is important not to fall asleep at the wheel regarding hair style or fashion. I swore I would never be that person, but it snuck up on me. A hair dresser often helps with this.
I’ve discovered running or exercising helps get rid of bloat in the face. You might think you need to rest to get rid of the bags in your face for that evening out when in fact sweating it out on the treadmill almost instantly makes your look younger. (You notice it immediately at this age.)
You also learn at this age that you cannot compete with a youthful 20 year old, 30 year old, or even 40. You come to terms finally with what real beauty is all about. If you have spent a lifetime studying God, then being like God is the most beautiful image you can project to others. A friend is always lovely.
Great page!
Wonderful tips! I didn’t know that about a puffy face! I sometimes do, especially under my eyes. I’ll have to give that a try!
With daughters you also see that youthful beauty lives on in them, so it’s not as hard on me that I’m no longer young. You know?
I agree with your comment 100%! So good. Thank you for taking time to share.